There are various cases where a domain name may not be transferable to another Registrar. This could happen in the following circumstances:
Domain name is less than 60 days old: If the domain name you are trying to Transfer was registered less than 60 days ago, the request will get rejected by the Registry itself.
Domain name has been Transferred less than 60 days ago: A domain name can not be transferred to another Registrar within 60 days of a previous Transfer.
A domain name can not be transferred from Registrar B to Registrar C, if it has been transferred to Registrar B from Registrar A within the last 60 days.
NoteAn exception to this rule is, the Transfer back to the previous Registrar in cases where both Registrars so agree and/or where a decision in the dispute resolution process so directs.
Theft Protection / Lock / Suspension has been applied on your domain name: If Theft Protection / Lock / Suspension has been applied on your domain name at the Current Registrar, then a Transfer for that domain name to another Registrar will not be allowed. You will first have to disable Theft Protection / Lock / Suspension for the domain name and then proceed with a Transfer.
Disabling Theft Protection / Lock / Suspension
Additional InformationHow to Disable Theft Protection / Lock from a domain name?
How to Unsuspend your domain name?
Privacy Protection has been enabled on your domain name: If you have enabled Privacy Protection for your domain name, then you need to disable it, before trying to transfer it.
Domain name is in the Redemption Grace Period or in the Pending Delete status: If the domain name is in either of these statuses, it can not be transferred.
Domain Name Extension Specific Conditions
To Transfer .AU (Anchor: dotau) domain names, the following restrictions do not apply:
Domain name is less than 60 days old
Domain name has been Transferred less than 60 days ago
Privacy Protection has been enabled on your domain name
Domain name is in the Redemption Grace Period
A .CN domain name can not be transferred if there are less than 15 days to its Expiry. Moreover, the 2nd condition (mentioned above) will not be applicable for a .CN domain name.
Only .CO, .COM.CO, .NET.CO, .NOM.CO domain names can be transferred.
If you Transfer Away your .DE domain name to another Registrar, you will lose the benefit of the remaining term of your .DE domain name.
If you have registered on January 11, 2011, then the Expiry Date of is January 27, 2012. If however, you choose to Transfer Away this domain name on September 1, 2011 to another Registrar, then you will not receive refund for the remaining term ie. from September 1, 2011 to January 27, 2012.
If you are transferring your .DE domain name to Clouds Hosting Club, you have to ensure that Name Servers are visible in the Whois of your domain name, prior to transferring your domain name to us.
Your .DE domain name Transfer will fail if there are no Name Servers displayed in your domain name's Whois.
Additional Information -
If you are trying to Transfer a .EU domain name, none of the conditions mentioned above will be applicable. This is because the .EU Registry does not support any Theft Protection / Lock / Suspension / Privacy Protection feature. There is also no 60 day Registration/Transfer Lock.
Moreover, you may also Transfer a .EU domain name which is in the Redemption Grace Period.
Third Level .ME domain names can not be transferred since Registrar Me-Net See details is the only Registrar through which Third Level .ME domain names can be registered/managed. However, no such restriction applies to Second Level .ME domain names.
Only the fifth condition mentioned above will be applicable for the Transfer of a .NL domain name. This is because the .NL Registry does not support any Theft Protection / Lock / Suspension / Privacy Protection feature. There is also no 60 day Registration/Transfer Lock.
The only circumstance where a .NZ domain name can not be transferred is, when it is less than 5 days old or has a Lock applied by the Registry to it.
The following restrictions apply for a .RU (Anchor: dotru) domain name:
Upon modifying the Contact details of a .RU domain name, you can not Transfer your domain name, until the below mentioned duration:
.RU, .ORG.RU, .NET.RU : 30 days
.COM.RU : 60 days
Additional Information -
2nd Level .RU domain names have a 30-Day Transfer Lock placed on them after they are Transferred from another Registrar.
3rd Level .RU domain names can not be Transferred among Registrars.
If your .RU domain name has Expired, then you may not Transfer your domain name until it has been renewed.
A .UK domain name can be renewed upto 90 days after its Expiry, post which the domain name would be automatically deleted by the .UK Registry. There is no restriction on transferring a .UK domain name during this period. However, you need to ensure that there is sufficient time prior to Deletion, so that the domain name can be renewed with the new Registrar once the Transfer process gets completed successfully. This is because Transfer of a .UK domain name does not include one year Renewal.
Apart from this, none of conditions listed above apply to the Transfer of a .UK domain name. This is because the .UK Registry does not support any Theft Protection / Lock / Suspension / Privacy Protection / 60 day Registration or Transfer Lock and there is no concept of a Redemption Grace Period in case of a .UK domain name.